Farmers Imports LLC is a company dedicated to the marketing and sales of fruits and vegetables from South and Central America.
Our products are recognized for their freshness, delicious flavor and natural properties.
Fresh category: conventional and organic bananas, pineapples, green plantains, waxed yucca and espino yams.
Frozen category: sweet plantains, Hawaiian tostones, yucca chunks & fries and fruit chunks. These products are processed with high standards, such as IQF (Individual Quick Frozen), to guarantee quality.
Our fresh hard green Colombian plantains are Banacol brand and come from Uraba, in the Northern Atlantic region of the country.
Our Waxed yucca comes from the South Eastern region of Costa Rica
Our company is strongly committed to the people, the environment and our customers.
We promote Better Management and Manufacturing Practices among our suppliers and within our company.
We embrace change and innovation, looking for new ways to better serve our customers.
Sustainability as a whole is in the heart of every decision we make.